Carrying Chavez

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Carrying Chavez is no easy feat, but if you follow these simple instructions, you will have a 3.22% chance of winning a game with Chavez in your party.


  1. Call him bad. This should dissuade him from staying in your party.
  2. Once you find a game, pray to Lord Gaben and Icefrog that he's afk so that you can kick him for not readying up.
  3. If he's loaded into the game, not all hope is lost. Simply go to the chat, and type "chavez, pick bristleback".
  4. If he picked Bristleback, make fun of him for not playing any other hero. If he randomed, ask him if he knows how to play whoever he randomed, and then bring up his negative W/L on that hero.
  5. At this point, you're probably gonna lose. Sorry buddy.


  • It is recommended that you repeat his catch phrases.


  • Chavez is bad. Like, really bad. And I don't mean bad, as in sorta bad, but still capable of playing this game. I mean bad, as in "a blind League of Legends Peruvian" bad. Maybe even worse.