Dueling Fates
From Chavez's Wiki
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Items[edit | edit source]
- Diffusal Blade is now a chase item that slows.
- MKB is attack speed instead of raw damage.
- Meteor Hammer is a decent tank / int item; the channel is whatever, even if you can predict the stun that well.
- Aeon Disk is a get out of jail free card. You have to tell the team if someone buys this.
- Spirit Vessel is a snowballing urn. Go figure.
- Nullifier + Bloodthorn = Hex, but for right click heroes
- Kaya is alright. Doesn't build up to anything, so that's kinda whatever.
Misc[edit | edit source]
- Denying is more important.
- That extra ban pretty much means that we can't pull Void every game.
Notable Heroes[edit | edit source]
Morphling[edit | edit source]
Non-CM stuff[edit | edit source]
Sylph[edit | edit source]
- If you're alone, you will die to her 3k burst combo. Simple as that.
Pangolier[edit | edit source]
- If you don't lock him down, he will escape. Simple as that.
- Diffusal burns a lot of mana during his Q